- Behavioral pattern
- The intent of this pattern is to allow an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes. The object will appear to change its class.
- Context:- defines the interface thats of interest to its clients. It maintains an instance of a ConcreteState subclass that defines the current state.
- ConcreteState:- implements behavior associated with a state of the Context
- State:- defines an interface for encapuslating the behavior asociated with a particular state of the context.

namespace StatePattern
public abstract class BankAccountState
public BankAccount BankAccount { get; protected set; } = null!;
public decimal Balance { get; protected set; }
public abstract void Deposit(decimal amount);
public abstract void Withdraw(decimal amount);
public class NormalState : BankAccountState
public NormalState(decimal balance, BankAccount bankAccount)
Balance = balance;
BankAccount = bankAccount;
public override void Deposit(decimal amount)
Console.WriteLine($"--> {GetType()} , depositing {amount}");
Balance += amount;
public override void Withdraw(decimal amount)
Console.WriteLine($"--> {GetType()} , withdrawing {amount} from {Balance}");
Balance -= amount;
if (Balance < 0)
BankAccount.BankAccountState = new NegativeBalanceState(Balance, BankAccount);
public class NegativeBalanceState : BankAccountState
public NegativeBalanceState(decimal balance, BankAccount bankAccount)
Balance = balance;
BankAccount = bankAccount;
public override void Deposit(decimal amount)
Console.WriteLine($"--> {GetType()}, depositing {amount}");
Balance += amount;
if (Balance >= 0)
BankAccount.BankAccountState = new NormalState(Balance, BankAccount);
public override void Withdraw(decimal amount)
Console.WriteLine($"--> {GetType()}, cannot withdraw, balance {Balance}");
public class BankAccount
public BankAccountState BankAccountState { get; set; }
public BankAccount()
BankAccountState = new NormalState(200, this);
public void DepositAmount(decimal amount)
public void WithdrawAmount(decimal amount)
using StatePattern;
BankAccount bankAccount = new();
–> StatePattern.NormalState , depositing 200
–> StatePattern.NormalState , withdrawing 700 from 400
–> StatePattern.NegativeBalanceState, cannot withdraw, balance -300