AWS Fundamentals

  • Create a free AWS account
  • Use your credit card to create the account.
  • Budget –> Use a Template –> Monthly Cost Budget .
    • Enter your email id
    • Enter the threshold dollar amount. I have entered 5 dollar.
    • Create budget.
  • Large upfront cost
  • Forecasting the cost is also difficult.
  • Slow to deploy new data centers and servers. 
  • Also maintaining the data centers is so expensive.
  • Security and compliance issue.
  • No capital expense but variable expense.
  • You no need to guess capacity. Increase speed and also the agility.
  • Maintainance burden is reduced
  • Go global in minutes.
  • Elasticity – ability to acquire resources as you need them and release resources when you no longer need them.
  • Reliability- Always be available to the users
  • Agility – Reduces time reqd to maintain infrastructure. Risk of security& compliance is reduced.
  • WordPress host is an example of PAAS
  • In AWS – you have a service called Elastice Beanstalk is an example of PAAS

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