AWS Fundamentals CREATE AN ACCOUNT Create a free AWS accountUse your credit card to create the account.Budget –> Use a Template –> Monthly Cost Budget .Enter your email idEnter the threshold dollar amount. I have entered 5 dollar.Create budget. TRADITIONAL DATA CENTER Large upfront costForecasting the cost is also difficult.Slow to deploy new data centers and servers. Also maintaining the data centers is so expensive.Security and compliance issue. BENEFITS OF CLOUD COMPUTING No capital expense but variable expense.You no need to guess capacity. Increase speed and also the agility.Maintainance burden is reducedGo global in minutes.Elasticity – ability to acquire resources as you need them and release resources when you no longer need them.Reliability- Always be available to the usersAgility – Reduces time reqd to maintain infrastructure. Risk of security& compliance is reduced. CLOUD COMPUTING MODELS WordPress host is an example of PAASIn AWS – you have a service called Elastice Beanstalk is an example of PAAS CLOUD DEPLOYMENT MODELS