Proxy Pattern

  • Structural pattern
  • The intent of this pattern is to provide a surrogate or placeholder for another object to control access to it.
  • If you intent to control access to the other object due to performance/security reason or other reason , then proxy pattern is the best choice.
  • Best example – when you add service reference — it generates proxy to interact with an API.
  • Proxy is responsible to control the actual remote API.
  • Why not directly call the actual API ?? Proxy can take the responsibility of executing the code before or after calling the API.
  • Proxy :-  provides and interface identical to subject. It maintains a reference of the real subject.
  • Subject:- Defines the common interface between the real subject and the proxy.
  • Real Subject:- Defines the real object that proxy represents.
  •  You can have more than one proxies. You can chain it.
  • This pattern adds a layer between client and actual object.
  • It allows addition of new proxies without chaning the client code:-  OC principle is maintained.
					namespace proxydesignpattern
    interface IService
        void SignIn(int age);

    public class ActualService : IService
        public void SignIn(int age)
            Console.WriteLine($"You have signed in. Your age is {age}");

    class ProxyService : IService
        private readonly IService _service;

        public ProxyService(IService service)
            _service = service;

        public void SignIn(int age)
            if(age < 18)
                Console.WriteLine("You are too young!!");

					// See for more information

using proxydesignpattern;

IService serviceObj = new ActualService();
IService proxy = new ProxyService(serviceObj);



You are too young

You have signed in. Your age is 21.

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