- Nov 30 , 2022 chatgpt was launched
- Chat GPT was developed by OpenAI, a company founded to ensure AGI(artificial general intelligence) in a way which benefits all humanity.
- Chatgpt indicates – chat enabled version of a generative pre-trained transofrmer model.
- Microsoft invested 1 billion dollar in 2019.
- Open AI Playground. You can utilize the playground to learn about it.
- Temperature controls the randomness of the answer.
- More the temperature – the more gibberish the answer is
- Lesser the temperature – the more deterministic the answer. Zero is the most deterministic. 2 means much more random.
- Maximum length – maximum length the token will respond. Token is short sequence of characters. A token is short word or part of word. 10 tokens – usually 7 to 8 words.
- Azure AI vs Open AI.Azure open AI service offers the same models as open Ai service. There are some differences. I will cover in next session.
- Software Engineering vs Machine learning…
- Machine Learning -> Result of desired calculation is already available. The models are characterized to understand the text and code.And these models are so called as LLMS( Large language models).
- What is LLM–> take a limited number of words or partial words, called tokens, as input and predict the most likely word or sub-word that will follow the input text.
- Why LLM ->coz they are trained with large amounts of data.