Rules Pattern

  • Behavioral pattern
  • Rules design pattern helps the developer to encapsulate each business rule in a separate object and decouple the definition of business rules from their processing. New rules can be added without the need to modify the rest of the application logic.
					namespace RulesPattern
    public interface IRule
        bool Matches(CustomerDetailModel input);
        void Apply(CustomerDetailModel input);

    public class RulesEvaluator
        private IEnumerable<IRule> _rules;

        public RulesEvaluator(IEnumerable<IRule> rules)
            _rules =rules;
        public void Execute(CustomerDetailModel customerDetailModel)
            foreach (var rule in _rules)
                if (rule.Matches(customerDetailModel))

    public class CustomerWorthiNessRule : IRule
        public void Apply(CustomerDetailModel input)
            input.IsCustomerWorthiness = true;

        public bool Matches(CustomerDetailModel input)
            //some condition check here ...true or false..
            return true;

    public class CustomerLoyalRule : IRule
        public void Apply(CustomerDetailModel input)
            input.IsCustomerLoyal = true;

        public bool Matches(CustomerDetailModel input)
            //some condition check here ...true or false..
            return true;

    public class CustomerSpecialRule : IRule
        public void Apply(CustomerDetailModel input)
            //some condition check then return true or false..
            input.IsCustomerSpecial = false;

        public bool Matches(CustomerDetailModel input)
            //some condition check here ...true or false..
            return true;

    public class CustomerValid : IRule
        public void Apply(CustomerDetailModel input)
            input.IsCustomerValid = true;

        public bool Matches(CustomerDetailModel input)
            //some condition check here ...true or false..
            return true;

					namespace RulesPattern
    public class CustomerDetailModel
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public bool IsCustomerWorthiness { get; set; }
        public bool IsCustomerLoyal { get; set; }
        public bool IsCustomerSpecial { get; set; }
        public bool IsCustomerValid { get; set; }

					using RulesPattern;

var custDetailModel = new CustomerDetailModel();
var rules = new List<IRule>()
    new CustomerWorthiNessRule(),
    new CustomerLoyalRule(),
    new CustomerSpecialRule(),
    new CustomerValid()

new RulesEvaluator(rules).Execute(custDetailModel);
Console.WriteLine($"Is Customer Credit Valid ? {custDetailModel.IsCustomerValid}");
Console.WriteLine($"Is Customer Credit Worthy ? {custDetailModel.IsCustomerWorthiness}");
Console.WriteLine($"Is Customer Credit Special ? {custDetailModel.IsCustomerSpecial}");
Console.WriteLine($"Is Customer Credit Loyal ? {custDetailModel.IsCustomerLoyal}");


Is Customer Credit Valid ? True
Is Customer Credit Worthy ? True
Is Customer Credit Special ? False
Is Customer Credit Loyal ? True

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