Builder Pattern

  • Creational pattern
  • Builder Pattern:- The intent of the builder pattern is to separate the construction of complex object from its representation. By doing so the same construction process can create different representations.
  • It improves modularity by improving the way the complex object is constructed and represented.
  • you have to keep immutability of the object and at the same time and you have to create the object with different set of attributes.
					namespace builder
    public class Bike
        private string bikeType;
        private readonly List<string> parts = new();

        public Bike(string bikeType)
            this.bikeType = bikeType;

        public void AddPart(string part)

        public override string ToString()
           return String.Join(Environment.NewLine,
                         parts.Select(x => String.Join(", ", x)));


					namespace builder
    public abstract class BikeBuilder
        public Bike Bike { get; set; }
        public BikeBuilder(string bikeType)
            Bike = new Bike(bikeType);
        public abstract void BuildEngine();


    public class RoyalEnfield : BikeBuilder
        public RoyalEnfield() : base("Enfield Powerful Engine")

        public override void BuildEngine()
            Bike.AddPart("Enfiled Engine");
            Bike.AddPart("Enfiled Extra Part added");


    public class SplenderBike : BikeBuilder
        public SplenderBike() : base("Splender Normal engine")

        public override void BuildEngine()
            Bike.AddPart("Enfiled Engine");

					namespace builder

    public class BikeFactory 
        private BikeBuilder? _builder;
        public void CreateBike(BikeBuilder builder)
            _builder = builder;

        public void ShowParts()


					using builder;

var obj = new BikeFactory();
obj.CreateBike(new RoyalEnfield());

Enfiled Engine

Enfiled Extra Part added

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