Key points
- .Net 4.8 only runs on windows. The release had happened in 2019
- 2016 microsoft acquired XAMARIN. XAMARIN is a framework that allows you to build mobile app on android and ios using c#. It is based on Mono. Mono is original open source of .net which dates back to .net 2. Although different platform(APIS are similar). So you write c# code in mono instead of regular .net
- .net core is also introduced as cross platform but in different way than xamarin. you could write code in .net core that runs on windows, mac and linux
- Like a vertical stack. They all have their own BCL. Base class libarary is like having lots of classes which you use while creating the .net application.
- So challenge was to write code once and run on different platforms. So .net standandar was used to solve this problem.
- All non-ui code can be shared using .net standard
- Single SDK and BCL
- cross platform web UI(razor) , cross platform native ui(Maui)
- LTS – long term support.. supported for 3 years. Next is .net 8(Nov 2023) .
- .Net 7 is current release which will be for 6 months.